How to Prime a Well Pump with a Pressure Tank: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Prime a Well Pump with a Pressure Tank

How to Prime a Well Pump with a Pressure Tank: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re a homeowner relying on a well for your water supply, knowing how to prime a well pump with a pressure tank is an essential skill. It’s one of those tasks that might seem daunting at first, but with the right guidance, it becomes a manageable process. In this article, we’ll take you through how to prime a well pump with a pressure tank and ensure a consistent water supply.

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into the priming process, let’s briefly understand how a well pump and pressure tank work together.

1. What is a Well Pump?

A well pump is a mechanical device that extracts water from an underground well and delivers it to your home. It’s a vital component of your well water system. Discover how to reset well pump?

What is a Well Pump?

2. The Role of the Pressure Tank

The pressure tank plays a crucial role in maintaining water pressure in your plumbing system. It stores water under pressure and ensures a steady flow when you turn on your faucets.

Signs Your Well Pump Needs Priming

Before we get into the steps of priming, it’s important to recognize when your well pump might need this procedure.

3. Low Water Pressure

If you notice a significant drop in water pressure throughout your house, it could be a sign that your well pump needs priming.

4. Sputtering Faucets

Faucets sputtering or producing air instead of water can be another indicator of a priming issue.

How to Prime a Well Pump with a Pressure Tank

Now, let’s get into the step-by-step process of priming your well pump with a pressure tank.

5. Turn Off the Power

Safety first! Always turn off the power supply to the well pump before attempting any maintenance.

6. Locate the Pressure Tank

Your pressure tank is typically located in your basement or a utility room. Find it and identify the pressure switch.

7. Open a Faucet

To release pressure from the system, open a faucet close to the pressure tank. This will help prevent damage to the tank and plumbing.

8. Find the Priming Plug

Locate the priming plug on the well pump. It’s usually near the top. Remove it carefully.

9. Fill the Pump with Water

Using a bucket or hose, carefully pour water into the well pump until it’s full. This will ensure the pump has water to start.

10. Replace the Priming Plug

Once the pump is filled, securely replace the priming plug.

11. Close the Faucet

Close the faucet you opened earlier to release pressure.

12. Turn On the Power

Turn the power supply to the well pump back on.

13. Monitor Pressure

Keep an eye on the pressure gauge on the pressure tank. It should gradually rise to the recommended level.

14. Test the Faucets

Test your faucets to ensure that water is flowing correctly without sputtering.


Priming a well pump with a pressure tank is a straightforward process when you follow these steps. To add, understanding how to turn off hot water to your bathtub is just one of the many aspects of maintaining a well-functioning home water system. Regular maintenance like this ensures a continuous and reliable water supply from your well.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How often should I prime my well pump?
  • Ideally, you should check and prime your well pump whenever you notice a drop in water pressure or sputtering faucets. It’s also a good practice to do this annually as part of routine maintenance.
  1. Can I prime my well pump without turning off the power?
  • No, it’s essential to turn off the power supply to the well pump before attempting any maintenance. This is for your safety and to prevent damage to the pump.
  1. What if my well pump doesn’t prime after following these steps?
  • If your well pump still doesn’t prime, it’s best to contact a professional well pump technician for a thorough inspection and potential repairs.
  1. Is priming a well pump something I can do myself?
  • Yes, priming a well pump is a task that many homeowners can do themselves with the proper guidance. However, if you’re uncomfortable or unsure, it’s always a good idea to consult a professional.
  1. Can I use any water source to fill the well pump?
  • It’s recommended to use clean and potable water to fill the well pump. Using contaminated water could lead to issues with your pump and plumbing.
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