How to Prepare Your Home for HVAC Installation

Prepare Your Home for HVAC Installation

How to Prepare Your Home for HVAC Installation

If you’re installing a new HVAC system, there are some things you should do to prepare your home. This includes moving valuables away from expected work areas and inspecting and cleaning your ductwork.

The installation process can take a day or less, but it will go smoother if you’re prepared. Here’s how.

Remove All Clutter

Having a clean home is always important, but it’s especially vital as the weather gets warmer. Not only does a dirty house create allergens, but it also impedes airflow and makes your HVAC system work harder than necessary.

It is also a good idea to remove anything that could get in the way of your new furnace or AC installation. This includes furniture, side tables, rugs, decorations and more. This will allow technicians to move around easily and reduce the risk of accidents during the process.

It’s also a good idea to declutter the area surrounding your outdoor unit. This will prevent debris from accumulating on top of it and reducing airflow. Keeping the area clear will also give maintenance companies easier access to routine inspections and cleaning.

Clean the Area

Your HVAC system creates air siphoned throughout the home by air ducts. Over time, these ducts collect dust and grime. Having them cleaned regularly is important so these contaminants don’t get blown into your living space.

This is especially true if you have pets. HVAC cleaning may disturb these animals and make them anxious. It’s best to find a safe place for them to stay during this process.

Also, the HVAC team like GoGreen Heating and Air must clear a path into and out of the home for their tools and equipment. It’s also a good idea to have your yard cleaned up ahead of time. This will make the process more efficient. It will save your HVAC team time and help you avoid extra charges.

Clear the Ductwork

Ducts may be small, but they make a big impact on the performance of your HVAC system. They help siphon temperature-regulated air throughout your home, so they must be kept clean. If not, clogged ducts can pump dirty dust particles into the air you breathe, and they’re a huge source of pollutants.

You can clear your ductwork by cleaning it or having it cleaned professionally. This will prevent the clogging of your air vents and ensure that your new HVAC equipment functions properly.

This is also a good opportunity to ask any last-minute questions about the installation process. Having your questions cleared up ahead of time will make it easier for the team to do their work and ensure that you clearly understand what’s taking place.

Turn Off the Gas and Electricity

If you have a gas HVAC system, it must be shut off at the thermostat and the circuit breaker. Also, your electrical service must be turned off if you have an electric system.

Doing this a day or two before the installation starts is best. This will prevent potential power surges when the system comes on for the first time.

If you have pets or children, ensure they are created or put into another room so they do not get in the process. This process can be noisy and could harm them if they get too close to the equipment or tripped over. The last thing you want is for them to be injured during your HVAC installation.

Clear Your Schedule

As summer ends, it’s time to swap out your air conditioning for a home heating system. But before you do, ensure your home is prepared for your new HVAC installation by following these tips.

Preparing for HVAC installation can be a bit of work, but it’s an important step in getting the job done right. With a little planning, you can save time and money by ensuring everything runs smoothly during the install.

Using a checklist helps you streamline the process and prevent mistakes. Checklists are also a great way to track progress and show your customers that you care about their property and the quality of your work. 

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